Also List of the Present Members
of the Local Post of the Grand
Army of the Republic

There has just been compiled at this place a complete list of the
soldiers of the Civil War, who have heretofore or do now make their home in Creston and
Union county and through the courtesy of Mr. J.V. Hoakson, himself a veteran of that war,
we are enabled to present the same in the Plain Dealer this morning.

The list of deceased solders was authorized by the T. J. Potter Post of
this city, some time ago, and was delegated to a committee composed
of Messrs J. V. Hoakison, W. M. Wilson and C. H. Grinnell. Mr. Grinnell had afterwards died,
and Mr. Wilson being away, much of the work developed upon Mr. Hoakison.

The present members of the Potter Post, who will today honor
their departed comrades, incident to Memorial Day, include the following gentlemen:

(There are known ommissions to this list)

Authenreith, C.

H.  90 N. J. Inft.

Bartlett, J. W.

M.  2 N. J. Art.

Bartlett, L. M.

M.  2 N. J. Art.

Beaver, L. T.

I.  1 Ohio Aft.

Bell, W. R.

K.  14 Iowa Inft

Bickford, Otis F.

F.  36 Ohio Inft

Bonham, L. L.

I.  22 Iowa Inft.

Boyer, L. M.,  A.

A.  19 Iowa Inft

Bradford, W. W.

H.  102 Ill. Inft

Bull, J. G.,  H.

H.  95 Ohio Inft.

Carter, C. J., 

C.  2 Iowa Inft

Compton, G. H.

A.  152 Ind. Inft

Dobbs, M. B.

B.  44 Iowa Inft

Godfrey, L.

D.  18 Iowa Inft

Gouldin, S. W.

E.  10 Ill. Inft.

Harsh, J. B.

K.  148 Ill. Inft

Hatch, M. C.

K.  148 Ill. Inft

Hayden, G. E.

G.  132 Ill. Inft.

Hayner, H. C.

G.  133 Pa. Inft.

Hoakison, J. V.

C.  4 Iowa Cav

Holliday, A. S.

B.  84 Ill. Inft.

Holmes, A.

K.  178 Ohio Inft.

Hosier, A.

C.  80 Ill. Inft

James. W. M.

E.  24 Iowa Inft.

Lafever, Samuel

H.  33 Ind. Inft.

Lamaster, Geo.

E.  78 Ohio Inft.

Long, John

F. 11 Ill. Cav.

Mackey, H.

A.  54 Ind. Inft

Martin, R.

D.  57 U.S. Inft.

Maxwell, W. T.

H.  1 Iowa Cav

Mayer, C. N.

G.  35 Iowa inft.

McGrath, Jno.

H.  148 Ohio Natl G.

McKee, Jas.

H.  11 Ill. Cav.

McKnight, R. M.

B.  16 Ind. Inft.

Means, L. I.

A.  39 Iowa Inft.

Morrison, N. B.

I.   95 Ill. Inft.

Peterson, M. O.

G.  55 Ill. Inft

Philpot, J. M.

H.  28 Iowa Inft.

Rhinehart, S.

H.  47 Ill. Inft.

Ross, W. H.

K.  2 Penn. Art.

Russell, J. C.

C.  53 Ohio Inft.

Schweers, J.

T  4 Iowa Cav.

Seals, J. M.

T.  8 Penn. Res. Inft.

Shannon, D.,


Sprowl, W. H.

D.  191 Ohio Inft.

Staley, Wm.

D.  153 Ill. Inft

Stratton, J. W.

D.  143 Ohio Inft.

Wallace, Geo.

D.  4 W. V. Inft.

Whittlesy, R.

C.  151 Ill. Inft.

Willis, E. S.

C.  66 Ill. Inft.

Wilson, J. P.

A.  45 Iowa Inft.

Wilson, Wm.

E.  104 Ill. Inft

Yard, W. C.

K.  4 Penn. Cav.

Zimmerman, J.

F.  16 Iowa Inft.